Matt Brown owns Bunk Bar in Portland and plays in the band Phantom Ships.
What was the food highlight of your year?
Herring in a Red Fur Coat at Kachka. Such a badass 7 layer appetizer with beets and herring and potatoes. Looks incredible. Google a picture. And the carafes of cold vodka to boot. Love.
What was the music highlight of your year?
Album: Blank Realms "Grassed Inn" and Purling Hiss "Weirdon". Incredible year in music. So many young bands that are influenced by Modern Lovers and the Feelies. Love the new trend in indie rock.
Live: Fat White Family. Scary. Classic. They may not live much longer.
Was there a moment when food and music came together in a memorable way?
I love shows at Bunk. I always end up in the kitchen at some point drunk having tomato soup with potato chips in it. It's my drunk show jam.