Joanie McCollom is the founder of Cookooree, an online platform for collecting and sharing recipes.
What was the food highlight of your year?
I enjoyed St. Vincent (San Francisco). My food highlight was various wines served. Here’s why it was memorable: I want a lean-back restaurant experience, and the staff at St. Vincent is prepared to recommend and serve all night, no need to think or make decisions. I love that!
What was the music highlight of your year?
I’d have to say I enjoyed The Flaming Lips at Bimbos for Noise Pop, although I also really enjoyed Father John Misty at Outside Lands.
Was there a moment when food and music came together in a memorable way?
Eating sushi at Blowfish while Thao played a mix of old school hip hop and esoteric indie stuff. Every song jumped to the foreground, grabbing my attention. Yes, it was a Noise Pop event. Yes, I have a crush on Thao. But this event was really special even without that.