Jordan Luff plays bass in the band Old Flings
What was the food highlight of your year?
I have to include two highlights: the first is my hometown Asheville, NC’s only vegan restaurant, Plant. It’s a little out of my price range for an everyday dinner, so I keep it in my back pocket for special occasions. The hazelnut crusted seitan is quite possibly the most decadent food I’ve put in my mouth since becoming vegan. Served with whipped cauliflower, grilled broccolina and romesco, pickled onions, and shiitake bacon. Absolutely breath-taking dinner.
Second, Farmburger, another Asheville favorite. They serve a vegan burger made up of sea island red pea, Smiling Hara smoked tempeh (local brand), and black eyed peas, topped with clover sprouts, red cabbage, and a basil tofu spread on the bun. It’s like it melts in my damn mouth.
What was the music highlight of your year?
My band Old Flings got to play a lot of regional and national festivals this year, including Fest 12 in Gainesville, FL. I got to see some of my all-time favorite bands play, including Torche, Iron Chic, Knapsack, Hop Along, and Restorations. But the best band I saw this year was probably Superchunk in Asheville at the Grey Eagle Music Hall on August 23rd. Watching them was about as close to a religious experience as seeing Coalesce back in 2009 at FEST 8. It’s been a great year for music!
Was there a moment when food and music came together in a memorable way?
Any time Old Flings gets to hit the road, be it for a weekend, a tour, or a festival trip, I try to incorporate food into my adventure. While down at Fest, we had the opportunity to dine at Harvest Thyme, a vegan-friendly sandwich and smoothie joint, and Reggae Shack, one of the best Jamaican-style restaurants I’ve ever had. And I can’t forget Richmond, VA. We only played there once in 2013 (which sucks), but we hit up Ipanema Cafe, Panda Veg, Strange Matter, and Harrison Street Coffee Shop. Richmond has great, great food.